Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Worst, The Better

“The worse you are at thinking, the better you are at drinking.”

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hangover in other languages

Hangover in other languages.
  • The French call it ‘wood mouth’
  • Germans refer to it as ‘wailing of the cats’
  • Italians call it ‘out of tune’
  • Malaysians call it ‘lo’
  • Norwegians identify it as ‘carpenters in the head’
  • Spaniards call it ‘backlash’
  • Swedes refer to it as ‘pain in the hair roots’

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ben Jonson's Drinking Quote

“Drink today, and drown all sorrow; You shall perhaps not do it tomorrow; Best, while you have it, use your breath; There is no drinking after death”

Feel Sorry For You

“I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.”

4:AM on the 4Line

Friday, September 23, 2011

Funny anti-hangover methods

  • Ancient Greeks ate cabbages
  • Ancient Romans ate fried canaries.
  • Some present day Germans eat a breakfast of red meat and bananas.
  • Some French drink strong coffee with salt.
  • Some Chinese drink spinach tea.
  • Some Puerto Ricans rub half a lemon under their drinking arm.
  • Some Haitians stick 13 black-headed needles into the cork of the bottle from which they drank
  • Some Russians drink vodka in an effort to cure hangovers.
None of the above ‘cures’ are effective!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

15% VS 30%

The alcohol in drinks of alcohol content less than 15% or more than 30% tend to be absorbed into the body more slowly.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Twenty things worth knowing about beer

Check out this cool comic from it is funny and you might learn a thing or two.


Did you know? (13 facts about alcohol)

1. The alcohol content of a common bottle of beer, glass of wine, and mixed drink are equal.
2. Moderate consumption of alcohol does not appear to contribute to weight gain.
3. Distilled spirits like ginger wine, vodka, absinthe, whiskey, brandy, rum, tequila and gin contain no carbohydrates, no fats of any kind, and no cholesterol. However, alcohol content is 35%.
4. Over half of the hospitals in the largest 65 Metropolitan areas in the U. S. have reported that they offer alcohol beverage service to their patients.
5. Alcohol does not destroy brain cells. In fact, the moderate consumption of alcohol is often associated with improved cognitive functioning
6. High protein foods help slow the absorption of alcohol into the body. Things like peanuts, peanut butter any kinds of red meat and cheese.
7. The alcohol in drinks of alcohol content less than 15% or more than 30% tend to be absorbed into the body more slowly.
8. Restaurants and bars often provide free non-alcoholic beverages to designated drivers, like fresh lime + water (for those of you that will be the designated driver)
9. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BAFT) refuses to let alcohol producers distribute scientific medical information or evidence on health benefits associated with moderate alcohol consumption.
10. Alcohol abstinence leads to increase risk of heart diseases. Simply put, not drinking any alcohol increases a person’s chances of suffering heart diseases.
11. Nearly a dozen states with a .08 BAC level have proposed reducing this level to .06 or lower. Washington State has actually had legislation proposed to make even .02 illegal. This level is exceeded by consuming less than one drink or by simply using mouthwash. Since half of all intoxicated drivers involved in fatal accidents have a BAC of .17 (nearly nine times higher than .02) or greater, Is the real interest here in stopping drunk driving accidents or in stopping all drinking?
12. In medical research literature, long term heavy drinking mothers will result in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
13. All 13 minerals necessary for human life can be found in alcoholic beverages.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sex, Toast, Pain Medication cures hangovers?

Sex :
I don't know if you guys have also heard this but I've heard that sex helps cure hangovers. Is it true though?
Well while there is no research that says that sex will make a hangover go away but it sure is fun. One thing is for sure however sex will definitely make the time go by faster.

Actually this does help a bit. While no food can help/halt the roller coaster in you stomach carbs can help bring your blood sugar levels back up. Normally when blood sugar levels dip, your liver reacts by producing more glucose from stored carbs. But if you drink too much, your liver is busy metabolizing the alcohol and can't handle the extra work. So your blood sugar levels stay down and you'll feel irritable and tired. So try some carbs to help you out with that hangover roller coaster it might help.

Pain Medication:
DO NOT take tylenol. While it might help with a headache, it can cause liver damage or be deadly. Instead take an anti-inflamatory drug such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen. So take one, even two depending on the dose.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Drinking Games

If you go to college parties you probably already know all the drinking games. However for those of you that don't here are a few drinking games that you could enjoy. Pretty much any game can be made into a drinking game. All you have to do is know how to add the drinking lol. Here are some Board and Card drinking games.

  • Beer Checkers:
You'll need plastic cups and a checker board with spaces the size of the cups. It's easiest to use part of a big cardboard box and cover it in clear contact paper so you won't have to make one again. The game is set up and played just like regular checkers, except that each person has cups filled half way with beer for their pieces. It's easiest if you use disposable cups and mark them with different colors.

If one of your men gets jumped, you slam the half beer in the cup and remove it from the board. If you get "kinged" you fill the cup up the rest of the way. If your king gets jumped, you slam the whole beer. When someone wins, the loser has to finish all the cups left on the board. If you play in teams, just divide the number of slams up, or rotate who finishes the beer.

For the weaker drinker shots of beer may be used instead of half beers. When you get kinged, make it a double shot.

  • Monopoly:
Follow game rules and add the following to them:

- When you roll doubles you take a drink
- When you go to jail you do a shot, you do 1 shot every round you are in jail, i.e. if you can't pay to get out of jail and don't roll doubles you'll do three shots. If you have a get out of jail free card you don't have to do a shot
- When you land on free parking all other players drink
- When you land on someone else's property you pay rent and take a drink
- If you go out of turn you take a shot
- If caught cheating you take a shot
- If you make a deal with another player on property all players involved take a shot

  • Black Jack or 21:
You would play the game the same way you normally would. As many people as you want can play. If you want you can switch the dealer after each hand. You deal out two cards, the dealer deals to everybody and then him/herself leaving the first card down and the second one up.

After he goes through everyone, he deals out his card, but he has to stop at five cards. Anyway, whoever wins the hand does not have to drink, the other people have to drink however many they lose by.

  • Example:
If one of the players get 19 and the dealer gets 17 and another player gets 23 then the dealer drinks 2 sips and the other player drinks 4 sips etc.

  • Go Fish:

Play the game as you always have, but this time:
- If you ask somebody for a card and they don't have it...take a sip...and go fish.

- If you "go fish" and you "fish your wish", make the person you asked drink double the card number.

- If you ask somebody for a card and they do have it, that person has to drink the number on the card.

  • Uno:

Simply play the card game Uno with these additional drinking stipulations:

- If you pass - 1 drink
- If you draw a card - 1 drink
- If you are skipped - 1 drink
- If you are reversed to - 1 drink
- If you forget to say UNO - 1 per all opponents cards

If you UNO give drinks for value of last card
- Numbered Cards - drink face value
- Wild - 11 drinks
- Wild Draw 4 - 12 drinks
- "Face" Cards - 10 drinks

When someone else UNOs
- Each number card - 1 drink
- "Face" card - 2 drinks
- Wild - 3 drinks
- Wild Draw Four - 4 drinks

All rules are cumulative! Example: If a draw two was played on you, you would drink three times (1 for being skipped and 2 for the draw).

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Drink To The Days

"Get up and dance, get up and smile, get up and drink to the days that are gone in the shortest while"

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Welcome to TooWasted

I would like to welcome all of you to my blog TooWasted. This blog will have a series of funny and insightful information. Information such as hangover cures (myths & facts). Whichever way you like to get wasted wether it's beer, maryjane or alcohol, feel free to comment and upload your own pictures and TooWasted stories.